Evaluacija učitelja za projekt VolontirAJMO
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1. Smatram da je projekt bio uspješan i svi su ciljevi postignuti. / I believe that the project was successful and all the goals were achieved. *
2. Je li rad na ovom projektu ispunio vaša očekivanja i očekivanja vaših učenika? / Did working on this project meet your expectations and the expectations of your students? *
3. Što vam se najviše svidjelo u projektu?/ What did you like the best in the project? *
4. Smatrate li da provedene aktivnosti razvijaju trajne navike volontiranja i održivog razvoja kod učenika? / Do you think that the implemented activities develop lasting habits of volunteering and sustainable development in students? *
5. Ocijenite rad svojih učenika u projektu. / Evaluate the work of your students in the project. *
Nisu bili zainteresirani niti aktivni. / They were neither interested nor active.
Bili su jako zainteresirani i aktivni./ They were very interested and active.
6. Imate li prijedlog aktivnosti koje bismo implementirali u budući projekt "VolontirAJMO 2"? / Do you have a suggestion of activities that we would implement in the future project "VolontirAJMO 2"? *
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