Absence Excuse Note - Liberty Middle School
Absences will be marked U-Unexcused unless a parent or medical excuse note is received in the main office within 3 days of the student's return to school.
Please use this form to report your child's absence from school to the main office at Liberty Middle. You can also email parent excuse notes and medical/professional excuse notes to lhockensmith@hcps.us with the students Last Name, First Name and Grade level in the subject line. Please include all dates the student missed in your email if the professional note does not cover all specific dates.
  • Parent excuse notes will be recorded as E-Excused if they have not exceeded 10 full-day absences
  • Medical/Professional excuse notes recorded as M-Medical/Professional Excused. 
  • After 10 full-day absences, a medical/professional note will be required to excuse absences and will show as U-Unexcused with a note in our system to indicate a Medical/Professional Note is required and a Parent excuse was provided.
  • Allow 24 hours for attendance codes to be updated in PowerSchool.
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Email *
Student Last Name (as documented in PowerSchool) *
Student First Name (as documented in PowerSchool) *
Grade Level *
Date of Absence *
Expected Return Date (if multiple days)
Reason for the Absence? Please always ask for and submit medical excuse notes for appointments (see last item). *
Name of Person Completing This Form *
Relationship to Student (absences reported by someone other than a parent or guardian will be verified) *
Will you be submitting a medical/professional note to lhockensmith@hcps.us. Medical excuse notes are preferred and will be required to excuse absences once a student reaches 10 excused or unexcused absences. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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