CyberPixl - The Label Of The Scene | Submission Form
If you are interested in releasing with us, this is the way to go.

We listen to every submission and try to get back to you as soon as possible,
though we might not be able to respond to every submission.
If we didn't get back to you or haven't taken your song,
just try again next time :)

Thanks for your interest and we are already stoked to hear what you have in store for us!

PS: If you want a more direct way to contact us,
you can also join our Discord room:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Artist Name *
Song/Album Title *
Soundcloud Song/Album Link *
Keep in mind that the song you submit for release is NOT allowed to be distributed to any online stores yet or be released by another label. Also we CANNOT release any unofficial remixes for songs that aren't released under CyberPixl.
Other (Comments / Infos / ...)
If you want to tell us anything else, may it be a comment about your track, a question you have or your latest cat story, this is the place for it.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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