Parenting Satisfaction Self-Evaluation
Fill out this voluntary form to figure out if parent coaching services and resources may be right for you!
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1) I feel confident and empowered as a parent.
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2) I am satisfied with how often I play with my young child / bond with my older child doing activities they want me to do with them.
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3) I know how to help when my child is feeling a big emotion.
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4) I align with the way my parents raised and parented me, and I want to  my child(ren) the same way.
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5) I connect and bond with my child(ren) more often than we buttheads or argue.
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6) I feel in control as a parent, and have a plan for when conflict arises and I need to cool my head.
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7) I feel confident that I am capable of meeting my own needs in order to be my best self for my child, and am willing to do so.
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If comfortable, please list your gender, age, and how many children you care for (not required).
I answered "Neutral", "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" to one, several, or all of questions 1-7
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