Digital Resource Request Form
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Email *
Is this currently being used or a new request? *
Name of Digital Resource *
Topic and purpose of the Digital Resource.   Ex. Math, Reading, Special Education, Science or various uses: *
Grade Levels or Areas Utilized *
Check all that apply.
Insert the link of the digital resource: *
Insert the link to the Terms of Service *
This can typically be found at the bottom of the resources webpage. Note any data that is used or retained.
Insert the link to the Privacy Policy *
This can typically be found at the bottom of the resources webpage. Note the age group that the resource is intended for and if there are any requirements such as Parental Consent, etc.
What data is collected? *
This can typically be found within the policies.  (Such as: Student Name, Grade, Email, Application Usage, etc.)  Please also note the age recommendations that the resource is intended for and if there are any requirements such as Parental Consent, etc.
Note the cost of the digital resource.  If it is free, please note none. *
Application Owner
The application owner would be the primary contact on "how to" user questions and is knowledgeable about how the product works from a user perspective.
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