Laptop Inspection and Care for 6, 7 and 8
Damages, Repairs and Warranties
Students are responsible for the general care and proper use of the issued BCS 1:1 device per the Technology Responsible Use and Internet Safety policies and this BCS Student Device User Guide.

To protect the assets of BCS, students who have violated the Technology Responsible Use Policy or any other provisions included in the BCS Student Device User Guide may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include the loss of BCS 1:1 device privileges, as determined by school administration.

Students must report if their device is damaged, lost, stolen or not working properly to a teacher, media coordinator or administrator, as soon as possible.
Students/Parents/Guardians are financially responsible for any damages to student laptops, chargers, hot spots and other CCMS/BCS issued devices.
Students/Families will be invoiced by the school once the device is assessed.
Price List for Damages
*Prices are subject to change.
Homeroom Teacher *
First Name *
Last Name *
Grade *
Is there any damage to your laptop? Make sure to note any cracks, dents, dings, scratches.  

If there is damage - please describe it in the text box below.

If there is no damage - please enter "No Damage" in the text box below.
Open your laptop to the tablet position and return to the closed position - do the hinges move freely? *
Captionless Image
Look into the audio port (where headphones plug in) - is there anything blocking it? 

If "Yes," please bring to media center.
Gently press down on every key with your index finger.  Is the keyboard working properly? Yes or No?

For example: are any keys sticky? Does it seem like there is something under the key?

If you answer "No," please explain what is wrong with the keyboard.
Touch Screen - working? Yes or No? If you answer "No," please explain. *
Touchpad Working - Yes or No?  If you answer "No," please explain. *
Select "Yes" to acknowledge that you read the "Laptop  Inspection and Care" section and understand YOU are financially responsible for damages to your BCS Student Laptop. *
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