Coker Alumni Association Board of Directors Nomination
The Alumni Association's leadership development committee seeks candidates with the wisdom, effectiveness, candor, and creative thinking necessary as an ambassador of Coker University's Alumni Association Board. 

The leadership development committee will focus on each nominee's achievements, skills,  qualifications, and availability to assist in the advancement of Coker University.  

Nominations will be taken into consideration each Fall for membership availability each Spring. 
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Email *
Nominee's First Name *
Nominee's Last Name *
Class Year (if known)
Degree/Major (if known)
Address 2
City, State, Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number
Coker University involvement as a student: 
Involvement with Coker University as a graduate: 
Professional Accomplishments: 
Personal Accomplishments: 
Community Involvement: 
What strengths and talents would this nominee bring to the Alumni Association Board?
Why would this nominee be a great addition to the Alumni Association Board, in your opinion?
Nominator's Name (if not a self-nomination)
Nominator's Email (if not a self-nomination)
Nominator's Phone Number (if not a self-nomination)
If you are nominating someone else, what is your relationship to the nominee?
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