Elate Insiders Program
Thank you so much for reaching out to Elate's Insiders Program. We love working with like-minded individuals and businesses. This is a program for professional Make-up Artists, Estheticians, Hair Stylists, and Performers, as well as Students for all these vocations.
Due to the volume of requests we receive, please allow 10-15 business days for a response.

Go forth and feel beautiful.  
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Country *
Address *
Please include address, city and postal code.
Profession *
Years of Experience *
Professional Online Presence (please list website, social media, blog and/or YouTube channel. Specify your handle as your request will not be processed without it. ) *
Why would you like to use Elate? *
How did you acquire your skills? *
If you have a mentor or went to school please list below.
Do you have a business licence? *
I give consent to receive occasional email marketing from Elate Beauty. *
We would love to share your professional contact information with our partners in your area to collaborate for events. Please indicate if you would like this information shared.
By clicking submit you confirm that you have read and agree that your professional code is to only be used by yourself and may not be used to purchase products for resale. Your code may be cancelled by Elate at anytime. *
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