Sloppy Vltava Rafting Trip 2025
What the hell (and when) is 'Sloppy Vltava'?
Sloppy Vltava is my annual rafting trip. Like this year, in 2025 we will have a 6 day, 5 night event. We will start as always in Vyssi Brod, where we will spend the night checking out the local bar scene - hopefully without thunderstorms and power cuts this time, although they just added to the fun this year!

Next year the event will take place from Wednesday July 9th to Monday July 14th, with a pre-lube trail in Prague on Tuesday July 8th.

After our first night in Vyssi Brod, we will then spend the next 5 days meandering slowly down the river, stopping at various points for refreshments, and of course stopping at a camp site each night.

We will have TWO nights in Cesky Krumlov, which will give everyone a chance to properly explore the town. There will also be an actual Hash trail in Cesky Krumlov on Saturday which will start at the camp site, at the end of which there will hopefully be a brewery. Although the exact plan for the hash trail is not yet clear and will depend on what time we actually get there on Friday, I'm really hoping to do something a little different next year!
What's the plan?
We will meet in Prague at approx 1.30pm on Wednesday 9th July, and from there travel by party train to Vyssi Brod, where I will again be supplying as much beer and wine as I can carry for the journey. Once at Vyssi Brod we will get keys for our huts, drop off our stuff, and then go and get drunk!


After annoying the staff in the local bars in Vyssi Brod, who are always really happy to see such a large group turn up, we can return to the camp site for final drinks - the bar at the camp closes at midnight, but we might also still have booze left from the train for anyone wanting to drink later.

On Thursday morning we will set off down the river, making our way slowly to the next camp site. There will be a few official stops along the way for refreshments - highlights of Day One on the river generally include Squirrel Shit and the Lunchtime Bridge Jump.

Again, we have HUTS booked, so nobody needs to worry about being too cold or getting wet in the night if the weather is bad!

On Friday we will make our way down the river to Cesky Krumlov - highlights along the river include lunch At the Vikings, a hash trail FROM the Vikings, and the traditional Naked Weir! Once we find our rooms (usually dorm style) we will head into Cesky Krumlov for the evening, and everyone will be free to do their own thing.

Saturday is technically a 'rest day', so we wont be going on the river. There WILL be a Hash trail, hopefully ending at a brewery if I can find one close enough followed by group lunch, and in the evening we will have a group dinner somewhere in the center of Cesky Krumlov. There is also the potential for a Midnight Naked Run, but this will depend on who is interested and whether the campsite security guards are awake!

Or if we're even back at the campsite by then - I think a naked run through the centre of town might be pushing our luck a little, although there were no complaints this year about the naked walk back to the camp...

Then on Sunday we will head off down the river again, stopping for lunch in the center of Cesky Krumlov, followed by at least one beer stop before we make our way to our final campsite (MORE CABINS) where we will have a circle.

Monday is the last day, and we will head down the river to Borsov, where we will take the train back to Prague. Once back in Prague there will be an option for evening drinks, for those still alive enough to partake!
1 - Cabins in the first two sites are for 6 people. In Cesky Krumlov they are generally dormitory style rooms, and in the last site they are usually 4 person cabins. 2 - People will be roomed with their preferred partners 3 - Snorers will also be roomed together where possible 4 - People will otherwise be roomed according to gender as much as possible 5 - Points 2-4 are generally redundant, as people who know each other will room with each other. In case of there being people who don't know anyone else they will be roomed according to points 2-4! 6 - Orgy Cabin does not mean that orgies are guaranteed - it is just an attempt to give people who MIGHT want sex during the trip to be in a cabin with people who MIGHT feel likewise!
7 - People who state they DO wish to be in the Orgy Cabin will be sent an email to confirm this. Along with their preferred partners. So if you think you can sneakily sign your partner up to something you're wrong!
8 - If the only people who want to be in the orgy cabin are men, they will be roomed together as per their request. There is no judgement here for anything that consensual adults choose to do with one another! 9 - Regardless of which cabin you are in, please bring your sleeping bag just in case there is not suitable bedding! How much does it cost?
The price for this trip will be 340 Euros - I'm taking a bit of a risk announcing the price this early as there are bound to be increases in costs for trains, cabins, and boats. But I'm hoping an overall 5% increase on this years price will cover everything. This price WILL INCLUDE:

Trains from/to Prague - including all the beer and wine I can carry!
Boat rental
Luggage transport between campsites
All fees for cabins/huts
Drinks along the river at official stops
Saturday dinner and beers in Cesky Krumlov
Beers and lunch on Saturday trail

Cost DOES NOT include:

Anything at all not mentioned in the above list!!

***PLEASE NOTE: This event is limited to 48 people, as that's how many beds we will have, and you will not be officially registered until I have your money!

In the event of more than 48 people signing up, the first 48 to pay will get the spots in the cabins - anyone else will need to bring a tent!***
What do we do now? Simply fill in the form below to REGISTER. The form needs to be filled in FOR EACH PERSON, otherwise I won't have an accurate count of who's cumming! Then I will send an email with information about the best way for you to send me your money! Obviously registering now is NOT an obligation on your part to attend - this just gives me a chance to judge possible interest and ensure that I book enough spaces in the cabins. And of course your spot is not guaranteed until you send me money, but you knew that anyway!

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Email *
Hash Name *
Nerd Name *
Home Hash *
Male or Female (for rooming purposes) *
Preferred partner *
Do you snore? *
Orgy Cabin? *
T-shirt size? (XS is not guaranteed, but I'll try my best)
Train FROM Prague? *
Train TO Prague? *
Pre-lube trail in Prague *
Beer or wine? *
GDPR Bullshit: By filling in this form you agree to be spammed with information about this specific event and THIS EVENT ONLY. Your data will not be sold, given away, or even offered to anyone else, and will quickly be forgotten about once the event is over. And while I can't guarantee nobody will ever hack my email and steal your data, I'll do my utmost to make sure it never happens!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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