City of Rancho Cordova Speech & Debate Registration Program
In partnership with the City of Rancho Cordova, Suvidha International Foundation is organizing a second batch Speech & Debate Programs. The programs are FREE to students who go to City of Rancho Cordova School or City of Rancho Cordova Resident Students who goes to other schools. 

The programs will have one 1-hour zoom session every week for six weeks followed by an in-person competition at City Hall, Rancho Cordova. We will also have a make session session. Since the classes will be conducted online, students need access to device with WIFI to attend online Zoom Sessions. 

SPEECH Schedule:   
Kick Off Meeting: Jan 17, 2023
Training Sessions: Tuesdays, Jan 24,2023 - February 24, 2023 5.00-6.00PM
 (Makeup Sessions on Thursdays every week)
Competition:  Sunday, Feb 26, 2023  3PM to 8PM City Hall: 2729 Prospect Park Dr, Rancho Cordova

DEBATE Schedule:
Kick Off Meeting: Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023
 Wednesdays, January 25,2023 - March 10, 2023 5.00-6.00PM 
(Makeup Sessions on Fridays every week)  
Competition:  Sunday, March 12, 2023  3PM to 8PM City Hall: 2729 Prospect Park Dr, Rancho Cordova

Student can participate either in Speech Program or in Debate Program or in both Programs. 

We expected the student to be committed for the program. The programs have limited spots. If we receive more registrations, we will consider the participants who registered first for the programs. 

The winners will be presented trophies and financial scholarships. All the participants will be presented  
e-Program Certificates
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Student Full Name (First, Last) *
Student  Grade Level *
Student School Name *
Student Home City *
Student Email *
Student  Phone number (if you don't have one put N/A) *
Students have to have a Chromebook or another device with WIFI access to attend online Zoom Sessions. Confirm that student has device with WIFI access. *
Students must attend all the sessions and competition. Otherwise students will not be considered for the program.  Confirm that student  attend all the sessions and competition. *
Do you have any speech experience? If so please explain? What are your strengths and weaknesses? *
Do you have any debate experience? If so please explain? What are your strengths and weaknesses? *
Interested Program Category  *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone number *
Sign the waiver form  available at   and send an email using Unless the waiver form is submitted, the participant is not considered for the program.
If you have any questions or comments, mention them here (if not put N/A) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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