SERVE Noblesville Scholarship

Serve Noblesville stands as a beacon of community engagement, fostering a sense of belonging and connection among its participants through thoughtfully curated programming. The organization's commitment to serving the Noblesville community is evident in the diverse range of initiatives and events that aim to address various needs and interests.

SERVE Noblesville will present a $500 renewable scholarship for up to 4 consecutive years to the most qualified Hamilton County senior.


  • The scholarship is valid for any student attending a trade school, 2-year college, and/or 4-year college.  
  • The scholarship recipient shall be based primarily on the community service achievements of the student while also taking into account academic standing, character, and leadership qualities.
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA.
  • Must complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service a month or the equivalent of 120 hours a year.
  • The recipient must complete the 50 volunteer hours a year or 20 hours during SERVE Week as a requirement each year to receive the $500 award annually (4 years total). This can be done through SERVE Noblesville programs if you choose.
  • After year one, the winner will submit a report to SERVE Noblesville to confirm the service hour requirement from the previous year to remain eligible for the scholarship. Their report should include the name of the organization they served, a contact person, when they volunteered, and how many hours they served. The deadline to submit the report to SERVE is July 31st of each year.
  • The scholarship is valid for any student attending a trade school, 2-year college, and/or 4-year college.
  • Please have a letter of recommendation from an individual or mentor connected to your community service accomplishments sent to with your name in the Subject. 
Scholarship Deadline is March 31. 


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First and Last Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
Email (Email message will be sent and must be confirmed to be elligible for scholarship - do not submit a spam email.) *
Personal Email (Do not provide a school email) *
Name of Parent(s) or Guardian(s):
List All Schools You Have Attended:
Graduation Date (MM/YYYY)
Please share your school/college/university choice at the time of this application:
Current GPA:
Intended Major (if known):
List any honors, awards, or offices held: 
Please list any community service or volunteer work you have participated in over the past 4 years. Include the date of service, hours completed, and the name of the partnering business or organization.
Please list any community service or volunteer work you have participated in over the past 4 years. Include the date of service, hours completed, and the name of the partnering business or organization.
How has your community service impacted you personally?
Have you volunteered in any way with SERVE Noblesville? If so, when and at which events?
In 500 words or less, please share how community service has shaped your values and influenced your educational and career goals.
If awarded, would you like us to contact you so you can fulfill your volunteer hours with SERVE Noblesville? 
If awarded, would you be able to attend SERVE Week Kickoff Event in June to be recognized?  
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