Quake Fall 2024 Photoshoot Interest Form

Thanks so much for your interest in modeling for Quake Magazine's Fall 2024 photoshoot!

We will send out more details about props & costuming, but, in the meantime, here's a description of our theme for this semester's issue: Flesh & Fluorescence.

In this issue, 80s Halloween kitsch meets the grotesque and seductive. We’re drawn to stories, poems, essays, art, and photography that explore the monstrous and the beautiful, the body as a site of desire and revulsion.

Imagine the freedom of a forbidden encounter with a lover in an X-rated cinema, or a forgotten alley illuminated by neon glow—places where bodies stigmatized and considered grotesque are also desired and loved. How does desire morph when the body defies the norms of what’s “beautiful” or “acceptable?” How can the shame of stigmatized sex both limit and expand on erotic possibility?

We’re craving works that are both playful and darkintimate yet unsettling—unapologetic explorations of attraction that push boundaries and make us squirm, illuminating the erotic potential of the strange, the monstrous, and the reassembled. Send us your stitched-together tales of shame, lust, and love.

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Name *
Contact information (phone number and/or email) *
What is your availability? You do not need to be available for the entire day, just for a few hours of it between 9am and 9pm. *
How comfortable are you with being nude? Answers to this are not binding - this is just to help us plan & design our shoot. Keep in mind that "by myself" just means without other models, as our photographer will of course still be present. *
Any questions or information you'd like to share?
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