Latinx Leads Conference 2024: Call for Proposals
The Latinx Leads Student Leadership Conference is the largest national gathering of Latinx student leaders and campus-based advisors to address the most critical topics of diversity and social justice challenging our Latinx community within colleges and universities. Through experiential workshops, keynote sessions, and round table discussions teams of students will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills needed to advance Latinx- related causes and increase their participation in leadership roles within their campuses. During the conference students will be led through a facilitated workshop to develop a program or event (i.e. Campus Action Plan) that the team selects to work on together on in order to bring back a piece of the Latinx Leads Conference (LLC) experience to their own campuses.

Latinx Leads is currently accepting workshop proposals for our Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 conference. Below are a list of workshop titles that were featured at our conference last year. Each workshop will be scheduled to run for between 60 to 75 minutes. Additionally, the target population will be undergraduate students and higher education professionals (e.g. student life, resident directors, deans, etc.). Please submit abstract proposals (250-300 words) using the form below.

Please complete and submit this form by September 18, 2024. You may contact the selection committee at if you have any questions.

Latinx Leads Conference Dates
Location:  New Orleans, LA 
November 22, 2024 - November 24, 2024

Location:  Las Vegas, NV
April 11 , 2025 - April 13, 2025

Past Conference Workshops:
  • Ni de aqui, ni de alla (Not from here, not from there)
  • Juntos Avanzamos: Building a Purpose-Driven Latinx Community
  • No Hables: Latinx faculty and staff and Employee Silence
  • Embracing your Latinx Values in Predominantly White Spaces
  • Combatting Colorism in the Latinx and Caribbean Community

Visit our website for more information:

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Email *
Presenter Name(s), Title(s), and Institution(s) *
Please provide the names, titles, and institutional affiliation of all presenters.
Primary Contact *
Please provide the name, email, and phone number of the primary person of contact.
Abstract Title *
Please keep title to 15 words or less.
Abstract Text *
Please provide a description of your workshop and keep description to or under 250 words.
Please provide an outline of your workshop. *
This will allow us to understand how the workshop will be structured.
Type of workshop
Level of workshop. *
This will help participant understand the level of knowledge and proficiency they may need to understand the content.
Please identify the target audience. *
Which date(s) will you be able to present? *
Please provide presenter(s) bio(s).
Bios should be no longer than 150 words and when submitting multiple bios for presenters please format them as such - Presenters Name: Bio (i.e. Maria Hernandez, Ph.D.: Dr. Hernandez is a university professor at ....)
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