How can Elliott Advocacy help you?
Elliott Advocacy mediates disputes between companies and consumers. Please contact the company you have a problem with and give it a chance to resolve your disagreement before filling out this form. Note: We may write an article about your case. If we do, we publish your full name and city. Please do not engage our services if you would prefer to remain anonymous.
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First name *
Last name *
Gender *
Email *
Please double-check for accuracy. We'll send our responses to this address.
Phone *
Address *
City *
State *
Country *
Your daytime occupation *
If you are retired, please list your previous profession.
Company you have a question or comment about *
Select the company name. If you don't see the company name, please choose "OTHER" and include the name of the company in your complaint below.
How can our advocates help you? *
Please give our advocates enough information to understand your case. We don't need to know every aspect of the case at this stage -- just a short summary of the problem and how you hope that we can help you.There is no character limit on your response.
What is your desired resolution? *
Please explain in as much detail as necessary how you would like this to be resolved. There is no character limit on your response.
Value of claim *
Please indicate approximate value (in US $) of your claim, including lost wages and incidentals. Must be a whole number. Please do not add a "$" to the field.
What is your case number?
If you have a reservation number, record locator, or confirmation number, please include it below. It will speed up the resolution process.
Date of transaction
When did you make your purchase? If you were traveling, what were your exact travel dates?
How did you hear about us? *
Please check all that apply.
Please confirm your email address *
I accept the terms of this form *
Please read this carefully. By submitting this form, I authorize representatives of this site and its affiliates to disclose information I have provided in this form to a third party. I also authorize the disclosure of any information I may have provided in the past or in the future related to my request for assistance, including but not limited to the contents of emails, social media posts or telephone calls. The information I provide, including my name and other information that specifically identifies me, such as my city and daytime occupation, is considered "on the record" and I agree to grant the irrevocable right to use this information in any media, including but not limited to a syndicated news article, a published story on this website, or a post on our social media channels. I release and hold harmless this site and its affiliates from any liability and/or claims in connection with the disclosure of the information. For more information on our advocacy, please see:
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