AUSMC Membership registration form Semester 1 2024
Salsa Mania Terms and Conditions:
By signing up for a membership, members agree to the following terms and conditions. Any violation of these terms and condition may result in the suspension of membership and an immediate ban from attending classes.
1. All members must sign in with an allocated committee member at the beginning of every class.
2. All members must treat other members, university staff and committee members with respect. In the case of indecent, aggressive or harassing behaviour, including but not limited to vulgar language, inappropriate behaviour and non-compliance with instructors, Salsa Mania may cancel your membership as according to the terms and conditions.
3. All members may only attend classes other than beginners with the express consent of the head of teacher in accordance with any stated requirements. 
4. When attending classes, members must wear appropriate, clean attire and footwear. It is appreciated that everyone wears deodorant and is aware of their own body odour as it is essential for personal hygiene.
5. If members feel dizzy, faint, unwell or feel any unusual pain, they must cease participating in class and inform a member of the committee immediately.
6. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted at Salsa Mania. Members suspected of being intoxicated or in any other state deemed inappropriate, unsafe for other members or similar may be asked to leave.
7. Breaching any terms and conditions of this document or acting in any way deemed inappropriate by Salsa Mania may result in the immediate suspension or cancellation of membership.
8. The Salsa Mania Terms and Conditions are subject to change via approval of the Executive Committee at any time.
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Email *
Phone Number *
First Name *
Last Name *
Student *
Payment for your membership can be made by direct deposit to the account below OR by cash/card payments. For students (of any university) the fee for membership per semester is $25, for non-students the fee is $45. Please enter the initial for your first name and last name in the description so we can confirm your payment.

Bank details:
Account Name: Salsa Mania Club
BSB: 065 114
Account Number: 1031 0989
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