Operation Snowball: Where Are They Now?
Our Operation Snowball alumni are an important part of our organization and we want to keep in contact with them. Down below are a list of questions that pertain to how Operation Snowball has shaped you. 
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Name  *
Email Address *
What Snowball Team were you a part of? *
Can we share your answers on social media and in marketing material? *
Would you like to be apart of a short video interview series? *
What was a moment you experienced during your Operation Snowball journey that has stuck with you?
What impact did Operation Snowball have on you as a teenager?
How do you bring along Operation Snowball in your everyday life?
Did Operation Snowball influence what line of work you went into? *
If you answered yes to the question above, what line of work are you in and how did Operation Snowball influence you to take that career path?

What is something you want the future teen leaders to know about Operation Snowball?

If you could describe Operation Snowball in one word, what word would you use?

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