Registration Form
Abhinaya dance school works on a semester system

Fall semester- (10-14 classes)
Winter spring semester (20 classes)
Post Arangetram classes (6-8classes/session)

Sibling Discount- $10

* Please note- The registration process is complete when we receive the registartion fee of $50.
You can send your payment via-
  1. Mail a check-Abhinaya’s office at 4950 Hamilton Ave., Ste. 105, San Jose, CA 95130.   
  2. Paypal-
 The registration fee will cover
1. Link to Adavu Video- (Set 1-set 14)
2. Access to item videos as you learn
3. Student binder info covering theory aspects.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name of student *
Last Name of student *
Date Of Birth (Student) *
Level- (Please click on the level you were in the previous  semester. If you are a new student click New Beginner) *
Student's email *
Student's Mobile# *
Home Address *
Father/Spouse Name & Place of work *
Father/Spouse's mobile # *
Father/Spouse's email *
Mothers Name and Place of work *
Mother's Mobile# *
Mother's email *
Known Medical Condition
Emergency contact - Name and Number (in case of emergency the first person to contact) *

I hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless all teachers, choreographers, musicians, agents, volunteers, assistants, employees, guest artists, and/or participants associated with Abhinaya Dance Company from any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action arising from any damage, loss, injury, or death to me, my children, or property that may arise during participation in any rehearsal, class, or program organized by Abhinaya Dance Company.

I acknowledge that print or electronic images of my child in class or in performance may be used for publicity purposes.
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