Minnesota Public Lands Day at the Capitol
We are excited that you are interested in joining Artemis and we are looking forward to a great time! 

Date: Friday, April 5th.

Time: 9:30am to 3:00pm for a meeting with legislators. 3:00pm to 4:30pm to participate in a public lands rally. Join both or either!

Location: Minnesota State Capitol

What this is: This is your chance to connect with a legislator, whether to advocate for a conservation issue close to your heart, express your support for public lands, or simply thank them for the work they do. 

What this is not: This is not an all-day event. You are welcome to come for the full day or just a short time (you could do this on your lunch hour if you are close enough!). 

What to expect: You will be met by several conservation-minded organizations that can support you in your meeting prep. If you want, we can give you some talking points and even have someone accompany you to a meeting if that would make you feel more comfortable. 

Things to consider: There are many conservation issues in front of the Minnesota legislature this year. Some may be supported by conservation organizations while others may not. If you wish to be representative of Artemis, we will have a long list of conservation issues that are supported by the organization. As an individual, you are certainly welcome to advocate for anything that is important to you as well. 

Contact: Ellen Candler, 208-680-6023, belle130@umn.edu
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Our Commitment to Shared Values, Respect, & Safety

National Wildlife Federation’s Artemis Program is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment for our all of our staff, affiliates, sponsors, partners, volunteers, participants, and contractors (Artemis community members) when engaging in the Artemis community, including at our programs and events. The following commitment serves as a code of conduct to help Artemis community members understand what we expect for them when engaging in the Artemis community, as well as guide them on what does not belong. By registering for this event, you are agreeing to this commitment.

Shared Values. We have shared values of mission focus, collaboration, empowerment, inclusivity, mindfulness, and respect for each other regardless of our Artemis affiliation. Artemis honors, respects, and uplifts women and nonbinary people of all races, ethnicities, orientations, experiences, cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds. We also humbly and diligently strive for equity and inclusivity with our words and actions in collaboration with our Artemis community, and in the broader national hunting and fishing conservation community. We expect everyone to embody those values when engaging in the Artemis community. 

Prohibition on Discrimination and Harassment. It is the responsibility of all Artemis community members to treat each other with dignity and respect when engaging in the Artemis community. NWF and the Artemis program do not tolerate harassment, discrimination, bullying, intimidation, abuse of authority, or mistreatment of any individual on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, religious views, or other ground prohibited by applicable law. 

Prohibition on Sexual Harassment. NWF and the Artemis program further will not tolerate in our community sexual harassment of any kind, including, but not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, unwanted physical contact, and/or other inappropriate verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature.

Health and Safety. To help us meet our commitment to safety, if you see something that presents a safety or security concern, please elevate that right away so it can be addressed — if it is a life-threatening emergency, call 911. Any firearms or weapons at Artemis sporting programs and events must be properly licensed, and at all times carried and used consistent with applicable laws and only for authorized activities. Additionally, community members taking part in sporting programs and events with firearms (e.g., hunting and shooting sports) must have all applicable permits and licenses to engage in such activities and legally be able to possess, rent, or use a firearm.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy. Consistent with NWF policy, Artemis prohibits the use, distribution, sale, and transfer of any illicit or illegal drugs at our programs or events. Unless designated as youth programs (no alcohol allowed), alcohol may be consumed at Artemis functions and events when the custom and occasion are appropriate. However, individuals still must be of legal drinking age and consumption must be moderate. In all cases, individuals who engage in the Artemis community must maintain good judgement or the ability to act responsibly and consistent with this commitment policy.

Applicability of Other Policies. Artemis staff will seek to share with community members additional policies and expectations if they are implicated in a particular program, event, or activity.

Reporting and Addressing Violations. If you witness or are subjected to any conduct you believe violates this Commitment to Shared Values, Respect, and Safety, or any other applicable policies, please seek out an Artemis staff member to report the incident or your concerns. Alternatively, you may contact NWF Human Resources (Robin Martin – Senior Vice President of People) and/or the Office of the General Counsel (Ben Kota – General Counsel): 

By e-mail: reportingconcerns@nwf.org
By phone: 1-800-518-6302

Artemis team members made aware of any concerns must promptly notify their supervisor, and/or NWF HR and OGC, as well. 

NWF will appropriately investigate all reports and maintain confidentiality to the extent possible under the circumstances. NWF encourages reporters to give as many details as possible to assist us with our investigation. NWF then will take prompt corrective action to address substantiated concerns, including, but not limited to, appropriate employee discipline, issuing a warning, removal or dismissal from programs and events, barring future participation, and/or referring a matter to law enforcement.

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