6888 Retail Store Product Application
Thank you for your interest in featuring your packaged food products in our new 6888 Retail Store. Please complete the following application and submit it along with any relevant product samples, images, or marketing materials.
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Retail Store
Business Information:
Business Name *
Owner/Contact Name *
Address (including City, State, & Zip Code) *
Phone *
Email *
Website/Social Media
Product Information:
Product Name *
Product Description? *
Price Point (MSRP)? *
Shelf Life? *
Current Production Location? *
Is your product locally sourced or produced? If yes, please provide details.
Product Dimensions (including packaging)?
Wholesale Price?
Minimum Order Quantity?
Lead Time for Orders?
Certifications and Permits:  
Do you have any certifications or permits relevant to your product (e.g., organic, cottage food license)? If yes, please list them.
Marketing and Promotion:  
Please describe any marketing or promotional support you can provide for your product.
Are you willing to provide product samples for promotional events or demonstrations?
Additional Information:
Please provide any additional information or special requests you may have.
By submitting this application, I confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete. I understand that submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance into the 6888 Retail Store. If selected, I agree to work with the 6888 Retail Store team to establish a mutually beneficial partnership.
Signature *
Please submit your completed application and any relevant product samples, images, or marketing materials via email to [insert email address]. Our team will review your application and contact you to discuss the next steps.
If you have any questions, please contact [insert contact name] at [insert contact email or phone number].
We look forward to reviewing your application and the possibility of featuring your products in the 6888 Retail Store.
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