June 2018 Semester 3 Student Survey (Peter)
In order to help me better support and teach you, please fill out the following survey honestly.

Class:                 History                      Teacher:  Peter
What block are you in? *
Our class is consistently productive and doesn't waste time *
My teacher(s) explain(s) difficult things clearly *
For example the lessons, activities, style of teaching,etc. work well for me
My teacher(s) make(s) sure I get the feedback I need to improve and grow *
My teacher has high expectations for me in this class *
In this class my discussions with other students help me learn. *
This class makes me excited about and/or enjoy learning? *
When you feel like giving up in this class, how likely is it that the teacher will make you keep trying? *
How often does this teacher make you explain your answers using evidence and examples? *
What do you do in this class that best helps your skills and knowledge grow and improve (i.e. helps me practice a growth mindset)?
Please rate each of the following
Attending after school
Not helpful
Very helpful
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Attending breakfast study
Not helpful
Very helpful
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Opportunities to revise work
Not helpful
Very helpful
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Time to reflect on work using teacher filled out rubric and/or comments
Not helpful
Very helpful
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Self assessing my own work using rubrics
Not helpful
Very helpful
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Peer feedback
Not helpful
Very helpful
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Conference with a teacher
Not helpful
Very helpful
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Seeing examples of what meeting and exceeding standard work looks like
Not helpful
Very helpful
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In this class, how much does the behavior of other students hurt or help your learning? *
Is Pupil Path updated enough to be a useful tool for me in this class? *
On average how many minutes does it take you to complete your homework in this class each night? *
My favorite thing about this class is...
When you are not in class, how often do you talk about ideas from class?
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