Washington Square West Civic Association Art and Craft Fair Sign Up
The WSWCA will hold its first Art and Craft Fair on Sunday, September 25th from 10am to 3pm at Kahn Park!  In order to support events like these, we are asking a small participation fee (see categories below).  All participants will be given at least 6 feet of space to show or sell their items, or space on the Kids' Community Wall.  All participants must bring their own tables, chairs, ground coverings, etc.  

You must be a Washington Square West resident to participate.  Very near neighbors may be given special exceptions.  Please contact washwestkatie@gmail.com to inquire.  To SHOW means that you are displaying your work only, no sales.  To SELL means you intend to sell your work.  Seller assumes the responsibility of having a way to collect money and make change, packaging for your work so that buyers can carry it, etc.

All forms of art and craft are accepted!  This is a family-friendly event, so please consider whether your work is appropriate for such a venue.  
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In order to be included in the fair and promotions of the event, you must live in WSW and have paid your participation fee via either Venmo @washwestcivic or PayPal info@washwestcivic.org.  If you would like to participate, but are experiencing financial hardship, please contact washwestkatie@gmail.com.
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