National Wetlands Awards Nomination Form
Since 1989, the National Wetlands Awards has honored over 225 champions of wetlands conservation. The Awards program recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional effort, innovation, and excellence in wetlands conservation at the local, state, or regional level. Past award recipients share a dedication to protecting the nation’s wetlands; educating citizens, students, and agencies about the value of wetlands; and working with a diverse array of organizations and stakeholders to advance wetlands protection. ELI administers these awards with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Federal government employees and related work are not eligible for nomination. 

For more information, see Questions/comment? Email us at 

*Please only submit one nomination per nominee and for one category only. If your nominee did not win in previous years, we encourage you to submit another nomination for them this time around!*

Deadline to submit nominations: February 15th, 2025. Finalists will be selected in early March and winners will be announced in early May.
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Your Contact Information
Please write YOUR contact information
Your Name *
Your Affiliation *
Your Mailing Address (including city, state, and zip code) *
Your Phone Number *
Your Email Address *
Nominee Contact Information
Contact information for the person you are nominating to receive the award
Nominee Name *
Nominee Affiliation *
Nominee Mailing Address (including city, state, and zip code) *
Nominee Phone Number *
Nominee Email *
How did you hear about the call for nominations? *
Award Categories
Please mark ONLY ONE category as the area that best describes your nominee’s work. Do not resubmit this form for the same nominee under a different category. For examples of previous recipients, please visit

(1)  Local/Landowner Stewardship: This award is presented to a landowner, community member, local NGO staffer, or other individual who voluntarily or as part of their job helps restore or protect their local wetlands through actions taken either on their own property or land owned by others. 

(2) Promoting Wetland Education/Awareness: This award is presented to an educator/academic, volunteer, NGO staffer, or other individual whose direct activities inspire others to engage in wetlands protection and provide them with the tools to do so, through knowledge sharing, outreach, or advocacy. 

(3)  Wetland Leadership in the Public/Private Sector: This award is given to an individual who, through the course of their work in the public (non-federal) or private sector, has made substantial contributions to wetland sustainability as part of a public program (such as a government or tribal initiative) or business initiative. As a reminder, federal government employees and related work are not eligible.
Award Category *
Briefly explain how the nominee's work supports the goals of wetland conservation and/or restoration (250 words max): *
Briefly list 1-3 key accomplishments that qualify the nominee for this award (100 words max): *
Define the scope of the aforementioned project(s): Where did they occur? When and with whom? (250 words max): *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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