2024-25 Primary Teaching for Mastery Sustaining Work Group Enrolment Form
To be able to complete this application form on behalf of your school, you will need your school’s URN and the following information for your Lead Participant(s). 

Email address
Teacher Reference Number (TRN)*

*If you are unsure of your TRN, there are a number of ways you can find it: on your teacher training documents, on your Teachers’ Pension Document; by asking someone responsible for HR at your school; or you can request a copy (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/request-a-reminder-for-a-teacher-reference-number-trn).

Once you have submitted the form, please email admin@emsmathshub.org.uk and copy in the Headteacher and  Lead Participant(s) as confirmation of your schools commitment

To ensure you recieve all of our email correspondence please add our email address admin@emsmathshub.org.uk to your safe senders list.

For details on how East Midlands South Maths Hub handles your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy
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School Details 
School name *
School Address (including Postcode) *
School URN *
A school's URN is a 6 digit number. To find your school's URN visit  https://get-information-schools.service.gov.uk/ and click on search establishments to look up your school
School Contact Telephone Number *
Name of Headteacher *
Email Address of Headteacher *
Does your school have mixed age classes? *
In order for us to provide the best support, please indicate if your school works with mixed age classes
Is Maths taught in mixed age classes? *
Please use the space below if you wish to add any addition comments about your mixed age classes 
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