Submit your work or events to be featured!
Coven Collective wants to feature your work - from visual art and new music to choreography and performance art, we want to see it all! Share with us for a feature and we'll post it on our socials if we can, or reach out for more info. 

If you have upcoming performances, workshops, or exhibitions, let us know and we'll try to feature those too! 
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What's your name? *
What's your email? *
What's your Instagram handle? *
What's your artform / medium? *
Tell us what you'd like us to feature! 
- If you want us to feature work, please provide LINKS where relevant, a short description, and a mini bio about you and your work
- If an event please provide LINKS and ALL relevant info - date and time, place, ticket cost if any, and the handles of other participants and partners
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