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MCNA Oakville Teachers/Admin/Volunteers Application Form 2024-2025
Dear Sister,
Assalamu Alaikum
We appreciate your interest in teaching or administrating with MCNA. Please complete the form to apply for the teaching or administrating opportunity at MCNA. Personal information will be collected on this form and will be used for administrative purposes and to communicate regarding teaching or administrating opportunities. If you have any question about the collection of this personal information it should be directed to the MCNA Mississauga City Incharge at
New applicants applying for teaching or administrating opportunities will be contacted by telephone and will be interviewed. Acceptance of the application is at the sole discretion of the MCNA representative.
As a representative of the MCNA, all teaching staff or admin staff must project a positive and professional image as they may be meeting and greeting the public and working with young participants in our weekend programs. Teachers or admins are required to wear a name tag provided by MCNA and a black abaya with head scarf.
The MCNA weekend program is conducted every Friday between the hours of 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Teachers or admins are expected to be available at least 15 minutes before the start of the program to assist with setting up and organizing the program activities.
Jazak Allahu Khair
MCNA Oakville
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