DBS Application form
Thank you for taking the step to apply! You will need your passport to complete this form, if you are currently in the process of renewing your passport please say so and forward the information as soon as possible.
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Discipleship Bible School 2025 - YWAM Dalarna (Sweden)
E-mail address *
Name (as in your passport) *
My Current address *
Your photo *
Please take a selfie and upload it here. Please use your name as the filename.
If you do not have a Google Account you may send the photo by email to dbs@ywamdalarna.se
Date of birth *
Gender *
Marital status *
Phone Number: *
Communication preferences *
You can choose more than one tool
Are you currently serving as staff at  a YWAM location *
Emergency contact *
Please give the name, telephone and address for emergencies (and your relationship to the contact)
GDPR... To complete this form you must agree to our collecting your personal information. We will not share this outside our ministry and the information collected will only be used for evaluating your school application. *
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