NYU CUSP '24-'25 Capstone Sponsor Application
Thank you for your interest in NYU CUSP’s Capstone Program.
To Apply:

1. Read our Capstone Program informational page and our Mutual Expectations agreement.

2. Acknowledge your understanding of the proposal guidelines.

3. Complete the Capstone Sponsor Application below by April 12th, 2024.

If you have questions about the application process, please email cusp.capstone@nyu.edu
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Email *
Understanding of Proposal Guidelines *
I have read and understood the Capstone proposal guidelines in full, including all of the Capstone Sponsor FAQs and Mutual Expectations agreement and agree to abide by them.
Have you been a CUSP capstone sponsor before?
Sponsor's Primary Domain
Organization/Company Name *
Organization/Company Website
Organization/Company Mission or Description *
Please describe your organization or unit including mission, key program activities, and nature of work.
Where is your organization located? *
Please list the city and state/country where you'll be operating from. 
Sponsor's Primary Project Lead: Name
This person will be the only point of contact for all capstone related communications from CUSP faculty and students. 
Sponsor's Primary Project Lead: Title
Sponsor's Primary Project Lead: Area of expertise
Sponsor's Primary Project Lead: Email address
Sponsor's Primary Project Lead: Phone number
Sponsor's Primary Project Lead: Expected availability/time commitment during project
Please list any other individual who should be named as a sponsor when projects are listed on our website and in other promotional materials. Note, these people will not be included in communications with the Project Lead unless otherwise requested. 
Project Title *
15 words maximum.
Project Abstract *
100 words maximum. Info provided here may be used on the CUSP website, in other promotional materials, and in Urban Science Intensive course descriptions for students. 
What is the research question to be explored OR what is the problem that you want to address? 
Capstone Project Description & Overview
250 words maximum. Describe the scope and nature of the capstone project.  Please ensure that the project is achievable within the academic timeframe and with the resources available. Info provided here may be used on the CUSP website, in other promotional materials, and in Urban Science Intensive course descriptions for students. 
Which category does your project align with? 
Clear selection
Relevance *
Describe why this issue is of relevance to CUSP's mission and urban science. 
What are the anticipated data requirements for the project? 
Please describe what datasets will be used. Info provided here may be used on the CUSP website, in other promotional materials, and in Urban Science Intensive course descriptions for students. 
For each data resource required, identify how the data will be provided to the capstone team.
For example, existing source data will be provided by the sponsor, existing source data is free and open (public), etc.
Does the sponsor have any anticipated data security concerns to be cleared for student team?
If yes or maybe, please describe concerns. 
Does the sponsor have technology infrastructure and/or software application requirements for this project?   
For example, the project requires GIS data analysis and the sponsor uses ArcGIS or RShiny for mapping. If the sponsor has no preferences as to data tools used, please indicate.
How likely would the project require field work or site visits (either within NYC or outside)?
Very unlikely
Very likely
Clear selection
List any specific skills or qualifications that would be useful for students to have in order to successfully address this problem and complete the capstone project. For example, user experience design, software programming, economics/financial analysis, public policy analysis, quantitative research/analysis, engineering skills (mechanical, electrical, etc). Info provided here may be used on the CUSP website, in other promotional materials, and in Urban Science Intensive course descriptions for students. 
Learning Outcomes/Deliverables
Provide 2-3 learning outcomes or expected deliverables. For example, an interactive dashboard or a website showcasing data analysis outcomes. Info provided here may be used on the CUSP website, in other promotional materials, and in Urban Science Intensive course descriptions for students. 
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