Travel Planning

This survey is part of a course in the Carnegie-Mellon University, Human-Computer Interaction program. We want to learn about your experience as part of our course project, and the purpose of the survey is to gain insight on group travel planning to better understand this industry from a first-person perspective.

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Have you ever traveled with a group of friends before?  *
When traveling with a group of friends, is one person usually in charge of planning the trip? *
Think back to a recent group trip that you had.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
I was involved in every aspect of the travel planning process.
I was able to comfortably voice my preferences during the travel planning process.
My preferences were always addressed in the travel planning process.
Thinking back on your previous group travel experience, rank these planning categories in chronological order based on how your group planned your trip:
What activities you will do
Who’s attending the trip
Trip duration
Where you will stay
How you will get to the destination
How difficult is it to coordinate planning logistics (where to go, transportation, accommodation, etc.) when traveling with a group?
Which factors tend to bring up the most need for compromise?
How many tools (e.g., google docs, messaging apps, booking applications, etc.) do you usually use for planning a trip?
How do you feel about the number of tools you currently use to plan travel? 
What do you look for in tools when planning for group travel?
How much have budget preferences affected your previous group travel experiences?
Do you prefer...
Planning your itinerary in advance
Going with the flow
Please explain your reasoning for your answer above. *
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Carnegie Mellon University erstellt. Missbrauch melden