(J2) Present Perfect Stories -
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Listening Section
PART 1: Listen to Katie and Allen take an International test.
Q1-4.Who has done these things? *
Katie (the girl)
Allen (the boy
Both of them!
NOBODY -(neither Katie or Allen)
Who has eaten Greek yogurt?
Who has eaten Russian food?
Who has eaten Vietnamese food?
Who has been to Vietnam?
Q5-10.Who has done these things? *
Katie (the girl)
Allen (the boy
Both of them!
NOBODY -(neither Katie or Allen)
Who has studied French before?
Who has forgotten how to speak French?
Who has studied Japanese before?
Who has learned a little Korean?
Who has learned to speak Thai?
Who has learned Chinese?
Q11-14.Who has done these things? *
Katie (the girl)
Allen (the boy
Both of them!
NOBODY -(neither Katie or Allen)
Who has visited France?
Who has been to China?
Who has been to Taiwan?
Who has visited South Korea?
Q15. Allen said he really enjoyed visiting.... *
Video Section:
Part 2- Videos: Video #1
Q16. L1 The man says, " Have you ever been... *
Q17. L1 The woman says she has been to... (Check all she says!) *
Q18. L2 The man asks have you ever.... *
Q19. L2 The woman says she has never eaten.... *
Q20. L3 Which is true? *
Q21. L3 The woman has seen a Spiderman movie before. *
Q22. L4 The woman has visited the new cafe already. *
Q23. L4 How many times has the man visited the new cafe? *
Listenings are finished!
Grammar and Vocabulary:
Choose which sentence is correct.
Q.#24   Oh no. What may this person say? *
Captionless Image
Q.#21 What may the man say? *
Captionless Image
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