Internship Application
  • Summer Internship begins May 26 thru August 3, 2024
  • Long term Internship begins August 15, 2024 thru May 3, 2025
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Are you applying for the summer or long-term internship?
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First name *
Last name *
Date of Birth *
Daytime Phone Number
Evening Phone Number (If different from daytime)
E-mail Address *
Current Mailing Address *
If not your permanent mailing address, until when will this be your preferred mailing address?
Are you fully vaccinated and boosted?
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How did you hear about this internship opportunity? *
Do you expect to pursue work in the Sewanee area alongside serving as an intern? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, what do you expect that work to consist of?
Do you currently have a source of health insurance that will last the duration of the internship program? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?                                                   (Minor traffic violations do not need to be reported) *
If yes to previous question, please explain the circumstances
What is it that draws you to this internship? (Limit: 500 words or less) *
What do you identify as your gifts and strengths, and how do you think those could assist you in your role in this internship? (Limit: 500 words or less) *
What do you identify as some of your weaknesses, or points where you have great potential for growth? What do you think will be challenging about the internship? (Limit: 500 words or less) *
Write about a formative experience you have had within a community. This can be a positive or negative experience, or perhaps one you are still coming to terms with. (Limit: 500 words or less) *
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