CAHS Manitoba Registration Form
You are registering to attend the CAHS Manitoba Chapter meeting at 7 pm CDT, Thursday 26 September 2024, in person at the 17 Wing Chapel, or by Zoom.
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Email *
Name *
Please use your real name on Zoom. Attendees using aliases may be denied entry to the meeting to prevent "Zoom bombing".
Chapter or City
Phone Number
Attending: *
Emergency Contact (In person attendees)
Please provide a name and phone number of a person who can contact your family in case of emergency.
Familiarity with Zoom
Please rate your familiarity with Zoom video conference software. 
1 = haven't used it at all; 
2 = haven't used it but comfortable with the computer, Apple, or Android device I'm going to use; 
3 = have used it once or twice; 
4 = have used it many times; 
5 = have used it many times and have used its features such as Share Screen and Chat.
Not familiar
Completely familiar
Clear selection
Add to Mailing List *
Get notified of future CAHS Manitoba meetings and events. You will receive two or three emails per month. Your email address will not be shared outside of CAHS.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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