Mill Creek Bands Absence Request Form
Students - please use this form to request an absence from a required band activity, such as a rehearsal or football game.  Requests must be received 2 days prior to the event in question in order to be considered excused.  Students should follow up with directors, a drum major, and their section leaders about absences. Emergency absences should be reported directly to the directors. 

Excused absences include but are not limited to:

1.  Sickness
2.  Death in the family
3.  Any other absence that would be considered excused by Mill Creek High School

Any student with an absence from rehearsal must make up the missed rehearsal time at Horn/Spin/Drum Club the following Friday afternoon at 3:00pm-4:30pm. Students with excused absences may participate in the halftime performance pending attendance at Horn/Spin/Drum Club. Students with any unexcused absence during the week will not be able to participate in the halftime performance. Multiple unexcused absences will result in further repercussions.
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Grade Level *
Section *
Event that will be missed *
Date of absence (month/day) *
Partial or full absence? *
Detailed Reason for Absence Request *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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