Training Review Form
This form is to be completed by the Mentee to review their Mentor on each of their training shifts.
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Date of Training Shift *
What is your name? *
Mentor's Name? *
Task 1: Navigating the Google Drive and *
I can do this on my own
I would like more training
I was not trained on this
Navigating the Drive
Understanding Martini Money
Reading the Leaderboard
Task 2: My Mentor trained me on bin colors and linen bags. *
Task 3: Please state your 3rd task and give a brief description of what you learned. *
Task 4: Please sate your 4th task (if applicable) and give a brief description of what you learned.
Task 5: Please state your 5th task (if applicable)  and give a brief description of what you learned.
How was your experience with your Mentor? *
Needs improvement
Was your Mentor attentive?
Was your Mentor friendly & welcoming?
Was your Mentor knowledgeable?
Was your Mentor professional?
What are your thoughts on how this shift went?
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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