<Two Shot> Application Form
Please put your best foot forward in your app, as effort and attitude are important to us. To improve your chances of being granted a trial, we recommend that you take your time and include as much detail as possible.

If you are returning to the game from a break and don't have current logs, your app will be turned down. If you want to apply after a break, we recommend that at a minimum you put together a set of pug logs that you think demonstrate the level of play you'd be able to achieve in an organized mythic setting. You should also link to logs from the last time you raided, but old logs alone will get your app denied.  

In order to hear back from us quickly, please join our discord and allow direct messages from server members. We try to get back to all applicants within 24 hours.

While we can accommodate cross-realm trials for a week or two when that feature is available, all trials are expected to transfer to Whisperwind and join the guild (either faction is okay).

If wowprog doesn't answer your questions, feel free to add/message Pode#1234 on discord.

Thanks for your time, we look forward to your app!
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Discord Tag *
Our preferred method of communication.
Battle.net Tag *
In case there's an issue with contacting you through Discord.
1) Character Info: Name/Server, Race/Class/Spec/ilvl *
Be sure to log out in raid-ready gear. Also feel free to include any off specs or raid-ready alts.
1b) Provide armory links for any characters you mentioned: *
2) We raid Tuesday/Wednesday 8-11pm Eastern. Is there anything that would prevent you from being online and able to communicate in discord during these times, outside of rare cases? *
3) Where did you hear about Two Shot? *
We ask this to make sure you have up-to-date info about us.
4) What is your relevant high-level raiding experience? *
Being as detailed as possible will help your chances. Make sure to include names and servers of toons you've raided on in the past.
4b) Provide log links from the most recent tier for any toons you mentioned. *
Current logs are required. If you raided at a higher level or on a different toon in past tiers, include those logs as well.
5) List all of the guilds that you have been in since the beginning of Dragonflight (not just TWW), and your reasons for leaving them, including your current guild. *
If leave info out of this section, we will deny your app. It's okay if you're newer to raiding than Dragonflight , just include your full history.
6) What makes a good guild and raid team in your mind, and why do you think Two Shot could be that guild? *
7) Tell us a bit about yourself IRL! Who are you and what are your interests outside of WoW? Please include your age. *
8) Anything else you'd like to add? Are there any reasons that you think you'd be a good addition to our team that may not have come out in this app? *
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