THANK YOU for your interest in AVA!  We can't wait to see your athlete in the gym!
All AVA LEHIGH VALLEY tryouts will be held at Hanover Township CC.

** CHECK IN will begin 20 minutes prior to the start of tryouts.  
Please be sure to have the following items ready to submit for your athlete at check-in:
1. a PRINTED COPY of your athlete's MEDICAL FORM (if you haven't submitted one already at a first look pre-tryout clinic)
2. a PRINTED COPY of your athlete's KRVA MEMBERSHIP CARD (if you haven't submitted one already at a first look pre-tryout clinic) 
3. your athlete's TRYOUT FEE:  cash, Apple Pay, Venmo, and CC will be accepted  (* an electronic processing fee will apply)
** Tryout fees are NON-refundable.

Your athlete should check in at the registration table when they arrive.
...looking forward to seeing you there! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Athlete's LAST NAME *
Athlete's FIRST NAME *
Athlete's Date of Birth *
Athlete's USAV Membership # *
Based on the chart ABOVE, what does KRVA recognize as your athlete's USAV AGE? *
* see Age Definition chart above
For what AGE DIVISION does your athlete want to TRYOUT? *
SUMMER TRYOUTS:  (15s-18s) at Hanover Township CC *
* see USAV Age Definition chart above.
Athlete's primary position played *
Athlete's secondary position played (may select more than one) *
Athlete's height *
Athlete's dominant hand *
Athlete's high school or middle school (as of fall 2024) *
Athlete's grade (as of fall 2024) *
 How did you hear about AVA and our tryouts? *
Is your athlete trying out for any other club(s) this season? *
If YES, for which other club(s) is your athlete trying out?
Does your athlete play another sport or have another activity during club season? *
(December - May)
If YES, what is it? and when is it?
Did your athlete play club ball last year? *
If YES, for which club and team did your daughter play? (ex: AVA 15-DIAMOND)
Guardian #1 *
(NAME and RELATION to athlete)
Guardian #1's cell phone *
Guardian #1's email *
Guardian #2 *
(NAME and RELATION to athlete)
Guardian #2's cell phone *
Guardian #2's email *
Athlete's street address *
City *
Zip *
State *
(contact's NAME and RELATION to athlete)
Are there any physical conditions that we should be aware of when working with this athlete? *
If YES, please list / explain.
Is this athlete taking any medications that we should be aware of during training? *
If YES, please list / explain.
Are there any additional comments/concerns that we should know? *
KRVA MEDICAL FORM (to be printed & submitted)
Waiver / Release *
We, the athlete and guardian, assume all risk in utilizing all tryout gyms/facilities. Likewise, we the athlete and guardian, assume all risk in participating in the drills and activities that are part of the AVA TRYOUT SESSIONS. We, the athlete and guardian, understand that there is a potential risk of injury when participating in an athletic endeavor or performing any strenuous activity. In executing this document, we waive all rights to proceed against the owner/ coaches/ clinicians for any potential injury suffered as a result of participating in the above named tryout while using the above named facilities. As such, we understand that in the case of an actual injury, we, the athlete and guardian, assume all economic and medical responsibility. We, the athlete and guardian, understand that the execution of this document limits legal recourse. This waiver of legal rights is being made knowingly, intelligently, and freely. We are agreeing to this document without coercion or undue influence.
CASH payment ($50) is available at check-in.
Enter 570-573-1276 if paying by Zelle.  $50 is owed to AVA.  **Please list your ATHLETE's NAME & AGE DIVISION.
Enter 570-573-1276 if paying by Apple Cash.  $50 is owed to AVA.  **Please list your ATHLETE's NAME & AGE DIVISION.
Scan this QR code if paying by Venmo.  The cost to AVA is $53. An electronic processing fee applies for Venmo transactions.  ** Please list your ATHLETE's NAME & AGE DIVISION.
Scan this QR code if paying by Credit Card.  The cost to AVA is $53.  An electronic processing fee applies for CC transactions.  ** Please list your ATHLETE's NAME & AGE DIVISION.
Your athlete's registration is not complete until their payment is received.  Did you submit your athlete's payment? *
What form of payment did you use for your athlete's registration? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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