SPC Translations
This form is used to log translations for the Sport Psychology Council Website. Your input is highly valued by Sport Psychology Council members.

When writing up translations, please be mindful of a technique called 'contextual translation'. In short, the the translation should be representative of how the English text appears in the localised language. This is different from the 'literal translation', where the text is translated word for word with or without conveying the sense from the original.

When writing translations, please keep the brand 'Sport Psychology Council' in English.

Needless to say, try to ensure that punctuation, spelling, and grammar for your language is correct.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact 'web@sportpsychologycouncil.org'. We hope to have all translations submitted by 31st May 2014

Languages (on 7th May) already translated include the following: Arabic, Brazilian, Chinese (Traditional and Simple), Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish.

If you are fluent in one of the languages that have already been translated and are willing to check our translation for accuracy, please email: 'web@sportpsychologycouncil.org'.
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