Virtual Zoom Class Payment Form
This form is a virtual form to purchase Zoom Fitness Class Drop-in's or a 10 Class Pass through the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver.   Passes expire 3 months from purchase.  For FAQ's please visit
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Class Date.  (what date is this payment for, or if purchasing a 10 Class Pass, fill in the date of the first class you will attend). *
Do you have a current credit card on file with us? (If not you will need to contact us at 604-257-5111 for this purchase) *
Zoom Class Options:   Please choose the item(s) you would like to purchase.  Tip: The 10-Class Pass can be used for different classes of the same rate, however we suggest you purchase the pass for the class you will use most often. *
If you would like to purchase multiples of a Drop-in  (between 2-9 classes) please complete this area.
Name on credit Card *
IF you have a card on File -Enter the last 4 digits of the CC number you would like us to charge.  
Authorization *
By clicking the "I agree" below, you are authorizing payment for the above items through the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver, using your credit card on-file. You acknowledge all rates are not refundable.  10 Class Pass and drop-ins  expire 3 months after the date of purchase.
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This form was created inside of Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver.

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