Tzedakah Scholarship Application Form

Purpose: Apply for up to $500 in credits for test preparation, licensing exams, or continuing education.

Eligibility: SCV-CAMFT associates and licensed members.

Application Deadline: October 31, 2024

1. Answer the following questions in 100 words or less for each.
2. Submit your completed application using this form.
3. Recipients will be notified by November 30, 2024.

Good luck, and thank you for your dedication to professional growth and community service!

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1.  How will this scholarship ease your financial burdens and allow you to concentrate more on your clinical work and professional growth?


2.  How does your clinical practice or work serve underserved communities and promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA)? Please provide specific examples.


3.  If awarded, how will you use the scholarship funds to advance your professional development or benefit your community?


Would you like to be celebrated/named among our membership if you are awarded the scholarship? Your choice does not impact the selection process.


Would you be open to having your photograph printed in our newsletter? Your choice does not impact the selection process.

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