2025 Maryland Homeland Security and Emergency Management Symposium Abstract Submission
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the 2025 MDEMA Symposium (5/27 - 5/30) in Ocean City, Maryland. Please complete the following form to be considered to present, chair, or organize a presentation, session, workshop, or training. All required details must be completed for consideration. The deadline to submit has been extended to February 14, 2025. 
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Email *
Name of Submitter (First, Last) *
Agency or Organization of Submitter *
Agency or Organization Sector of Submitter *
Email of Submitter *
Phone Number of Submitter *
Proposed Conference Activity *
Proposed Title of Activity (Can be Finalized as Needed) *
Proposed Time of Activity *
Proposed Speaker or Facilitator Name (First, Last) *
Proposed Speaker or Facilitator Agency/Organization *
Proposed Speaker or Facilitator Contact Info (Email & Phone) *
Has Speaker Presented or Facilitated Before? If Yes, List Conference Name. *
Activity Subject Area (May be Assigned to Category or Track) *
Activity Purpose: Describe the Activity Purpose and Summarize the Activity Thoroughly *
Activity Learning Objectives: List at least three learning objectives (SMART) that attendees will obtain if the activity is delivered. *
Activity Logistics and Format: Describe the technology, room set up, and needs the activity may require if the activity is selected to be held at the conference. Include items that you will NOT bring yourself if selected: (laptops, power access, extension cords, chargers, activity sheets, stationary, office supplies, chair set up, etc.) *
Proposed Speaker or Facilitator Bio *
Additional Details to Share: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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