Readers' Choice 2023-2024
This form is for readers of The Park Forum to tell us about posts from October 2023 through August 2024 that most challenged them, helped them grow, or helped them connect faith to life in a new way. These Readers' Choice posts will be re-published during the month of September or periodically throughout the Fall.

Please give us the link or the title of the devotional. That's all we really need.

If you'd like to provide a few words about why it meant so much to you, that would be appreciated but we don't need more that a simple "this blessed me" or "this helped me."

By filling out this form, you are giving us permission to quote from your comment about the post, in part or in full.

Please feel free to submit as many posts as you like by filling out the form multiple times, once for each post. (After submitting, you will be shown a link to submit an additional response.)

Please limit your submissions to posts published from October of 2023 through August of 2024.

For any questions about The Park Forum, or to make suggestions of posts via email, contact John Tillman at

***After the required questions about Readers' Choice, there are some optional survey questions about The Park Forum. We would be greatly helped by your answers to these additional questions. Thank you for your time!
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Email *
First and last name *
In what city and state (and country if outside the US) do you receive The Park Forum? *
How would you like to be attributed? We will include your comment with an attribution. Please enter the attribution you would like us to use. For example, you might want us to use your full name, title, and city, "Dr. Jonathan Smith, Hamilton Heights, NYC." or you might want to keep a little anonymity, "Jon, New York," or simply "JS." *
The Title (or link) of the post you are suggesting. *
Optional: Tell us, in your own words, what made this post meaningful to you or how it helped you live out your faith. (It doesn't need to be a long explanation. It's okay if you just want to say, "This blessed me." or "I shared this with a friend." or "This helped me.")
How long have you been a subscriber to The Park Forum?
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What percentage of the time would you estimate you open and read the devotional emails?
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When do you read the devotionals from The Park Forum?
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Is the time the email comes (5 AM) convenient for your devotional life? If you could change the time it comes, what time would you choose?
What other devotional tools/programs/reading plans do you follow or use?
If The Park Forum were to plan an event in your city, would you want to attend? Or perhaps host?
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Would you be interested in an audio version of the devotionals?
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Have you listened to any episodes of our podcast, Pause to Read?
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