Materials Lab Online - student questionaire
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Have these videos given you the chance to see a test that you wouldn't otherwise have seen in real life? *
Many universities are shutting down their testing labs, so students get fewer opportunities to see many materials tests.
How have these videos helped you improve your understanding of material behaviour? *
Do you think you will refer to these videos as part of your revision? *
Would you personally recommend these resources to other students? *
What do you like most about the films?
How did you hear about the films? *
How did you access the resources? *
This question is to help us understand how people get Materials Lab Online onto their screens.
What is your level of study? *
If you are in college or at university, what are you studying? *
If you are happy for us to contact you to get more in-depth feedback, then please leave your email address.
We won't pass on your details to any other organistaion.
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