Ecologies of care in the performing arts   zwischen__räumen // między__miejscami Registration for the Conference

For some time, more and more arts organisations and funding institutions offer artists the opportunity to apply for open-ended work processes without the urge and need to complete full productions. Art residencies especially offer the chance to find time for artistic research, open thinking and creative development. 

How do these new work conditions influence the artists’ work individually and the arts landscape in general? How do culture organisations and performing artists support and learn from each other in these changing work processes? And how are these new work conditions result of or resistance against more and more pressuring financial constraints within the arts? 

The one-day international conference "Ecologies of care in the performing arts", organised by Materia in Łódź and STUDIO2 of the International Theatre Institute Germany (ITI) in Berlin and hosted at Academic Design Center in Łódź, sheds light upon the changing work conditions within the performing arts. The conference is open to all those working in the performing arts and those interested in new work processes in the arts in general. It will conclude the residency project "zwischen__räumen // między__miejscami", conducted in 2023.

General Information:

WHEN: October 20th, 2023, 10:00 - 18:00 with 3 breaks

WHERE: Academic Design Center, ul. Księży Młyn 13/15, Łódź





The conference is developed in the idea of openness, accessibility and support. We are working on making the conference spaces and contents as accessible as possible for everyone. Please don’t hesitate to contact us as we aim to provide individual information on accessibility in regard to your needs.

The building of the Academic Design Centre at Księży Młyn in Łódź is wheelchair accessible. Parking is possible at the back of the building.
Accessible entrance from the back of the building.
Accessible bathrooms.
Two elevators.
The Conference Room will provide space for wheelchairs.
The Conference Room will provide Audio induction loop system for hearing impaired.

Caretakers are welcome. Please kindly evaluate how long the child can be in the conference room with you. The declaration for caretakers is at the bottom of the registration form.


The project "zwischen__räumen // między__miejscami" is a cooperation of Materia in Łódź, and STUDIO2 of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) in Berlin. The conference is supported by Academic Design Center in Łódź  The project is funded by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

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Name and surname *
Please kindly share your pronouns with us.  How should we refer to you?
Please kindly provide a name of your current affiliation / connection / status: 

Institution / Organization / Educational institution / Academic affiliation / or Freelance 

I would like to participate in the conference in Łódź on October 20th, 2023, and I will inform the organizers - Materia in Łódź in case I will not be present.

Please let us know about your special needs.
Declaration for caretakers only: 
1. I might/will be at the conference with a baby/toddler.
2. I will leave the Conference Room if the child is crying or wants to talk/play loud.
3. I will enter and leave the Conference Room using the back door.
3. I understand that the Academic Design Centre has exhibitions on display. 
4. I will supervise the child as a responsible adult at all times. 

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