FL CARES & PAC3R Affiliate Membership Application

The FL CARES & PAC3R offers researchers not currently funded by the Bankhead-Coley Cancer Research Program Florida Cancer Research (FL CARES) Network and Platform for Accelerating Collaborative Computational Cancer Research (PAC3R) the opportunity to join the program as non-voting affiliate members. 

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Institutional Affiliation *
Date *
Personnel (individuals who will be part of the agreement:  names, titles, email - one per row) *
Provide a concise description of the planned contribution, specifying the focus of the project (experimental, computational, analysis or combination) *
Indicate how the propose work will contribute to the goals of FL CARES *
Provide evidence of funding to conduct the proposed research *
Indicate agreement to abide by all FL CARES policies, including research sharing, publication, not disclose of confidential information obtained from other members of the Network and fully participate in activities. *
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