Booking Form
Please fill out this form in it's entirety and submit. Please note, this is not a contract and the submission of your form does not reserve your date.
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Email *
Please select who this booking form is for *
Name *
Please list the name of the person submitting the booking form
Phone number (for contact person) *
Date of the event
Event time
Event attire
Dressy, Casual, Sunday Morning, Dressed down, Robes, etc..
Event details *
Please provide us with a general synopsis of your event.
Event budget *
Our honorarium can vary based on location, event, and time requested. Please list your initial budget amount. Travel and lodging expenses are separate from the honorarium.
Venue Details (Name of Venue and Address) *
Please provide us with the name of venue, address, phone number, website if applicable, seating and any other specs.
Please share any other details concerning your booking request.
How many songs? How long of a ministry set would you like? Do you prefer a live band or tracked performance?
Thank you for considering us to be apart of your special moment!

No response required. 
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