Next Cycle of Liberated
Liberated is an online therapeutic support group for queer Black men who are seeking mutual understanding, care, and encouragement as we navigate our identities, relationships and existence. Anyone who identifies as queer Black and male and is located in New York State is encouraged to register.

The group will start meeting in September on Thursdays from 5:45-7pm. The fee for the group is $100/session; some insurance is accepted and sliding scale is available.

Please complete this form and someone will reach out to you shortly. 

If you have any questions, reach out to Bertram at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Gender Identity
Race and/or Ethnicity
Are you currently in individual therapy? *
What draws you to Liberated? *
Are you available Thursdays from 5:45-7pm starting in September? *
How did you hear about this group? *
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