Application for a RockyMtDoxy Companion.
Within screening families to determine if they are a good fit for one of my doxies, I ask for some information about your family, home, and life-style. Please complete all of the the application questions.
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Email *
Date *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Home Address (street, city, state, & zip code) *
Do you live in a house or an apartment? *
How long have you lived in your current home? *
Do you rent or own? 
If you rent, are you willing to provide a letter from your landlord/ housing management to verify that getting a new fur companion is approved?
Do you have a yard? Do you have a fenced in area? *
Do you have other pets? If so, type and age. *
How long and how often would a dog be left alone within your daily routines? *
Are there human children in your family or home? If so, infant, toddler, youth, or teenage and how many? *
Do you have an establish vet that can provide reference? Or do you have a vet in mind for your future needs? (Please provide a name and phone number of vet) *
What are you hoping for in a doxie? (gender, color, and hair length wise) *
Have you read the contract presented on and do you agree to abide by the rehoming policies specifically? *
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