Last name of the teacher you would like to nominate (Nominee). *
Your answer
Does this teacher hold NVTA Certification? *
Nominee's email *
Your answer
Nominee's phone number (###-###-####) *
Your answer
Nominee's school name or virtual program name *
Your answer
Nominee's grade levels and subjects taught VIRTUALLY and/or HYBRID *
Your answer
Nominee's grade levels and subjects taught IN-PERSON (N/A if none) *
Your answer
Your First Name *
Your answer
Your Last Name *
Your answer
Your relationship to the Nominee (Submit "Self" if self-nominating) *
Your answer
Your email address *
Your answer
Your phone number *
Your answer
Please describe how this teacher demonstrates "Tech Excellence." (A teacher who seamlessly integrates digital resources and uses technology as a platform to create engaging and meaningful lessons.) *Must be 500 characters, which is approximately 3 sentences.
Your answer
Please describe how this teacher demonstrates "Visionary Leadership." (An educator who not only embraces technology in education, but who creates innovative and effective ways to reach students and build a brighter future.) *Must be 500 characters, which is approximately 3 sentences.
Your answer
Please describe how this teacher demonstrates "Outstanding Student Achievement." (A teacher who is supporting the well-rounded development of students as evidenced by their academic performance, community involvement, and extra-curricular engagement.) *Must be 500 characters, which is approximately 3 sentences.
Your answer
Is there anything else you would like to include about this Nominee?
Your answer
National Virtual Teacher Association does not discriminate on the basis of color, race, national origin, religion, gender, age, veteran status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability.
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