Teachers feedback form
Session 2021-22
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Curriculum is suitable for the course.

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Aims and objectives of the syllabus are well defined and clear to teachers and students.
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The syllabus of this subject increased your knowledge and perspective in the subject area.
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Infrastructural facilities, such as teacher’s rooms, class rooms, reading rooms and toilets are available in the College.
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The College provides adequate and smooth support for projects and research facilities.
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Sufficient number of prescribed books are available in the library.
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The College provides freedom to adopt new techniques/strategies in teaching such as seminar presentations, group discussions and learners’ participations.
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The College provides adequate support to faculty members for upgrading their skills and qualifications.
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The environment in the College is conducive to teaching and research.

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Provisions for professional development are non-discriminatory and fair.
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What are the present problems which you are facing in the College? 

Your kind suggestions for further improvement in College :

Do you want to submit your responses? 
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