Drive to Decarcerate
We care about people in prison, Governor Evers should too!

Join WISDOM/EXPO & our network of affiliates across the state as we show Governor Evers that we CARE about people in prison & want him to care too.
On Thursday, June 18, 2020 people who are TIRED of Governor Evers inaction/lack of concern regarding incarcerated people & COVID 19 will hit the highways & take our concerns to the Governor's door in Madison!

Groups from around the state will meet in their perspective areas (register and we will contact you with exact times and more important information) to:
- Decorate their vehicles to stand out in the caravan
- Caravan together to Madison
- Stop (1) place along the way to "Blitz" (flyer with education on mass incarceration in WI) & (1) place on the way back
- Arrive at the Capitol at 12 noon
- Caravan with everyone statewide from the Capitol to the Governor's Mansion
- Decorate the public space at the Governors Mansion creating a memorial to DOC's response to COVID 19
- Return home via a Correctional Institution to conduct another blitz.
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With this action we intend to put a large footprint across the state however we encourage our members to remain safe by following recommendations of public health officials and the CDC. For these reasons, we encourage people to drive themselves. The MORE cars, the better so let’s DRIVE!    I am: *
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