We've been posting daily Ruck Workouts for almost a year now. We hope you've enjoyed it. Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback. Your input will help us determine how to best serve the rucking community in the coming year.
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On average, how many times per week do you do a RUCKWOD workout?
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When you do a RUCKWOD, do you do the RUCKWOD of the Day or do you pick a different one to do?
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What do you like best about RUCKWOD? What are we doing right and need to keep doing? (The more detail you can provide, the better.)
What can we do to improve RUCKWOD? Anything you'd like to see added or changed? Any killer ideas you want to share? (The more detail you can provide, the better.)
Email address (totally optional). Mostly so I can followup if you give a killer idea.
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